- Fetus (n.) 胎儿
- Fetal morphology scan 胎儿结构性超生检查
- EDD (estimated due date) 估计的预产期
- Obstetrician: 产科医生
- Choroids:脉络膜
- Lat Vent(lateral ventricles):侧脑室
- Cerebellum/CM/NSF:小脑
- CSP(cavum septum pellucidum)
- Palate:颚
- Face
- Nose/Lip:鼻子/嘴唇
- Spine:脊柱
- Mandible:下颌骨
- Hand:手
- 3V CORD (3-Vessel Cord): 三血管脐带
- Bladder:膀胱
- Gender:性别
- Kidney:肾
- Renal arts
- Femur:股骨
- Tib fib
- foot:脚
- cervix:宫颈
- humerus:肱骨
- forearm:前臂
- nasal bone:鼻骨
- profile
- 4CH: 4‐chamber
- Stomach:胃
- LVOT,RVOT:left/right ventricular outflow tract 左/右心室流出道
- Arrow
- 3VT
- Ductus arch:肺动脉弓
- Aortic arch:主动脉弓
- Diaphragm:膜片
- Cord Ins
- Posterior Placenta to internal os
- Posterior placenta:后胎盘
- FetusPos: PLAC
- AUA: actual ultrasound age
- BPD: biparietal diameter 双顶径
- HC: head circumference 头围
- AC: abdominal circumference 腹围
- FL: femur length 股骨长
- HL: humerus length 肱骨长
- EFW: estimated fetal weight:预估体重
- Hadlock:Francis Partrick (Frank) Hadlock,科学家
- HR: Heart rate
- Dr Francis Partrick Hadlock
- Ultrasoundpaedia website
- A pictorial guide for the second trimester ultrasound