

On 23 March 2012 a 17 year old boy with ankylosing spondylitis and tuberculosis was refused infliximab by a senior rheumatologist at the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University in northern China. He left the clinic, but quickly returned with a knife, and fatally stabbed Wang Hao, a junior doctor who was uninvolved in his case. Three other doctors were injured in the attack.


The murder of Wang Hao has particularly unnerved the medical profession and the authorities, partly because of the youth of the perpetrator and the apparent premeditation, but also because of the public’s reaction to it. An online poll, set up by the People’s Daily, the Communist Party mouthpiece, asked readers to express their feelings about the murder using emoticons. Although the 6161 who responded are unrepresentative of the general population (given the readership of the paper and the type of person likely to respond to such polls), the overwhelming majority (65%) selected happiness, with anger second at just 14%, and sadness at only 6.8%.



The Ministry of Health reported that in 2006 there were 9831 “major disturbances” involving physical violence in Chinese health facilities, but by 2010 this number had increased to 17 243. However, these figures need to be viewed in the context of a country with around 8000 secondary and tertiary facilities and nearly a million primary care facilities (table 1).


table 1

The few published surveys of experiences of health workers provide further evidence on the scale of the problem.6 Table 2 summarises the results of surveys from China 7-9 together with recent studies from other countries.


The table does show that violence against health workers is common in all the countries studied, the specialities at most risk (and most studied) being emergency medicine, general practice, and psychiatry. Many of the studies, including those in China, note that aggression against health workers greatly exceeds that against other professional groups.


table 2


At the heart of the problem is a deteriorating doctor-patient relationship, caused by the shortcomings of the health system. Since the introduction of market reforms in the early 1980s, healthcare in China has been commodified.20 Even if people have health insurance, it only partially reimburses the high costs, so healthcare is hard to afford for many. The average inpatient stay will cost more than three to four months of a manual worker’s salary (box). Substantial mark-ups are allowed on drugs and investigations, giving incentives for doctors to profit from tests and treatments that may be unnecessary21 and leaving patients feeling exploited



Another problem is that Chinese people tend to seek high level care even for minor, self limiting conditions. Since they do not need to get referral from primary care, patients present at secondary and tertiary facilities with often unrealistic expectations. Expensive new drugs and technologies are expected to work and when treatment fails, doctors are deemed responsible.21 Sensationalist media reports about incidents of poor medical practice and failings in the health system have succeeded in fuelling public distrust and anger against the medical profession.


Doctors are also unhappy. In a recent Ministry of Health report, about 80% of doctors in secondary and tertiary facilities describe themselves as overworked and underpaid, and morale is low. This not only leads to rushed, indifferent, and disrespectful treatment of patients, a major cause of doctor-patient tension, but also increases doctors’ susceptibility to bribes. Many patients resent the perceived necessity to pay high under-the-counter payments to get better treatment.


Patients who feel aggrieved about treatment are often forced to take matters into their own hands. Existing legal channels for suing for malpractice, which operate through the local medical association are inefficient, ineffective, and perceived to be weighted in favour of the medical establishment.23 In addition, because hospitals hold the malpractice insurance for their staff (it is not held by individual doctors through a medical defence organisation), hospitals are an easy target for threats and extortion.


A combination of all the above factors has led to levels of dissatisfaction with the health system that lead not only to violence but also to a culture where the murder of an innocent young doctor is not universally condemned. However, it is only a small vocal minority whose negative experiences cause disproportionate harm to the system. The few patient satisfaction surveys available for China suggest high overall levels of satisfaction with healthcare workers.24 Our own recent survey showed that over 70% of patients still feel that individual doctors and nurses try their best but are constrained by problems endemic in the system. For example, patients understand that low consultation fees encourage over overprescription and overinvestigation and think that doctors and nurses, especially at secondary and tertiary level, are overworked, compromising standards of care.


The level of violence in Chinese hospitals is increasing. It seems likely that only systematic change can reverse this trend.



  1. 由于是部分翻译,故读者可能会因节选而被误导,建议预读原文。
  2. 我不确定翻译英文文献是否涉及版权问题,但是因为涉及社会热点问题,故选择翻译。如果侵权,请告知)



  1. Violence against doctors in China. BMJ 2012. PubMed Link
  2. Violence against doctors: Why China? Why now? What next? Lancet 2014. PubMed Link
  3. Privatization and Its Discontents – The Envolving Chinese Health Care System. NEJM 2005. PubMed Link
  4. Lessons from the East–China’s rapidly evolving health care system. NEJM 2015. PubMed Link