
Lecture 1: Introduction to python


  • topics:
    • represent knowledge with data structures(数据结构)
    • iteration and recursion(迭代和递归) as computational metaphors
    • organize and modularize(组织和模块化) systems using object classes and methods
    • different classes of algorithms(算法), searching and sorting
    • complexity(复杂性) of algorithms

Basics of Computation(计算的基础)

  • What does a computer do?
    • Fundamentally a computer: (1) Performs calculations; (2) Remember the results
    • Calculation is: (1) Built-in primitives; (2) Creating our own methods of calculations
  • So are ther limits?
    • Some problems still too complex
    • Some problems are fundamentally impossible to compute


  • Declarative knowledge(叙述性知识): statments of facts
  • Imperative knowledge(过程式知识): “how to” methods or recipes(菜谱)
    • sequence of simple steps
    • flow of control process that specifies when each step is executed
    • a means of determining when to stop


  • Fixed Program Computers(固定程序计算机): calculator, Alan Turing’s Bombe and etc.
  • Stored Program Computers(储存程序计算机)
  • What are the basic primitives(基元)?
    • Turning shows that using six primitives, can compute anything. (Truning complete)
    • Fortunately, modern programming languages have a more convenient set of primitives.
    • can abstract(抽象) methods to create new “primitives”.
    • But anything computable in one language is computable in any other programming language


  • primitive operations(操作)
  • expressions(表达式)
  • values(值)
  • Primitive constructs(基元构建):numbers, strings, simple operators
  • Syntax(语法)
  • Static semantics(静态语义)
  • Semantics(语义):programming languages have only one meaning but may not be what programmer intended
  • syntatic errors(语法错误)
  • static semantic errors(静态语义错误)
  • no semantic errors but different meaning than what programmer intended
    • program crashes, stops running
    • program runs forever
    • program gives an answer but different than expected


  • Options for programming languages:
    • Source code -> checker -> interpreter -> output
    • Source code -> checker -> compiler -> object code -> interpreter -> output
  • Low level: Source code (low level) -> checker -> interpreter -> output
  • High level (compiled language): Source code (high level) -> checker -> compiler -> object code (low level) -> interpreter -> output
  • High level (interpreted language, such as Python): Source code (high level) -> checker -> interpreter -> output

Python objects(对象)

Python programs
  • Program is a sequence of definitions and commands
  • Command (or statement) instructs interpreter(解释器) to do something
  • programs manipulate data objects
  • objects have a type that dfeines the kind of things programs can do to it
  • Objecst are:
    • Scalar: cannot be subdivided
    • Non-scalr: have internal structure that can be accessed)
Scalr objects
  • int
  • float
  • bool
  • NoneType
  • Expressions: combine objects and operators
  • syntax for a simple expression: <object> <operator> <object>
    • Operators on ints and floats: +, -, *, /, %, **
    • Comparison operators on ints and floats: >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=
    • Operators on bools: and, or, not
  • operator precedence(优先级) without parentheses(括号):**, *, /, + and - executed left to right, as appear in expression


  • assignment: binding variables and values
    • reuse names instead of values
    • easier to change code later
  • value on the right and name on the left

Operators(操作符) and Branching(Flow of Control)

  • Branching programs(程序分块): the simplest one is a conditional
    • a test expression
    • true bblock
    • false block (optional)
  • Indentation(缩进) is important
  • = vs ==
  • Priority order of Boolean opersations: parentheses, not statements, and statements, or statements

Lecture 2: Core elements of programs


  • right hand side –> value
  • left hand side –> variable
  • left hand side will be replaced with new value
  • = is called assignment


  • quotation marks or single quotes
operations on stings
  • concatenation(连接): ‘ab’ + ‘cd’
  • successive concatenation: 3* ‘eric’
  • the length: len(‘eric’)
  • indexing(索引): ‘eric’[1]
  • slicing(切片): ‘eric’[1:3]
    • extracts sequence starting at first index, and ending before second index
    • if no value before :, start at 0
    • if no value after :, end at length
    • if just :, make a copy of entire sequence


  • print
  • input(""), return a string


  • IDE: integrated development environment
    • text editor
    • shell
    • integrated debugger

Control Flow(控制流)

  • comparison operators on int and float:
    • >
    • <
    • >=
    • <=
    • ==
    • !=
  • logic operators on bools:
    • not a
    • a and b
    • a or b
  • if ... elif ... else ...
Control FLow: while loops
while <condition>:

repeat until is False

Control FLow: for loops
for <variable> in range(<some_num>):
range function

range(start, stop, step)

break statement
  • immediately exits whatever loop it is in(直接跳出)
  • skips remaining expressions in code block(跳过该块其他表达式)
  • exits only innermost loop(只跳出最里一层)
for vs while loops
for loops while loops
know number of iterations unbounded number of iterations
can end early via break can end early via break
uses a counter can use a counter but must initialize before loop and increment it inside loop
can rewrite a for loop using a while loop may not be able to rewrite a while loop using a for loop


  • some properties of iteration loops:
    • need to set an iteration variable outside the loop
    • need to test variable to determine when done
    • need to change variable within the loop, in addition to other work

Guess and Check(猜测和检查)

  • loop characterristics
    • need a loop variable
      • initialized outside loop
      • changes within loop
      • test for termination depends on variable
    • a decrementing function
    • guess a value
    • check if the solution is correct
  • exhaustive enumeration(枚举)
    • guess and check methods can work on problems with a finite number of possibilities
    • exhaustive enumeration is a good way to generate guesses in an organized manner

Lecture 3: Simple Algorithms

So Far…

  • slice: [start:stop:step]
  • immutable: cannot be modified

Approximate Solutions(近似解)

  • start with exhaustive enumeration
    • task small steps to generate guesses in order
    • check to see if close enough
  • good enough solution
  • start with a guess and increment by some small value
  • |guess ** 3| - cube <= epsilon for some small epsilon
some observations
  • Step could be any small number
    • If too small, takes a long time to find square root
    • If too large, might skip over answer without getting close enough
  • In general, will task x/step times through code to find solution
  • Need a more efficient way do do this

Bisection Search(二分查找)


x = 25
epsilon = 0.01
numGuesses = 0
low = 1.0
high = x
ans = (high + low)/2.0
while abs(ans**2 - x) >= epsilon:
	print('low = ' + str(low) + ' high = ' + str(high) + ' ans = ' + str(ans)) 
	numGuesses += 1
	if ans**2 < x:
		low = ans
		high = ans
	ans = (high + low)/2.0
print('numGuesses = ' + str(numGuesses))
print(str(ans) + ' is close to square root of ' + str(x))

Some obersvation

  • Bisection search radically reduces computation time – being smart about generating guesses is important
  • Should work well on problems with “ordering” property

Floats and Fractions(浮点型和分数)

  • Decimal number: 302 = 3*10^2 + 0*10^1 + 2*10^0
  • Binary number: 10011 = 1*2^4 + 0*2^3 + 0*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 1*2^0

convert decimal number to binary number

if num < 0:
    isNeg = True
    num = abs(num)
	isNeg = False 
result = ‘‘
if num == 0:
    result = 0
while num > 0:
	result = str(num%2) + result
	num = num//2
if isNeg:
	result = - + result


  • Decimal number: 0.375 = 3 * 10-1 + 7 * 10-2 + 5 * 10-3
  • Binary number: 0.375 = 0* 2-1 + 1 * 2-2 + 1 * 2-3

  • So if we multiply by a power of 2 big enough to convert into a whole number, can then convert to binary, and then divide by the same power of 2


  • If there is no integer p such that x*(2**p) is a whole number, then internal representation is always an approximation
  • Use abs(x-y) < some small number, rather than x == y


General approximation algorithm to find roots of a polynomial in one variable: p(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 + … + a1x + a0

Newton showed that if g is an approximation to the root, then g – p(g)/p’(g) is a better approximation; where p’ is derivative of p.

epsilon = 0.01
y = 24.0
guess = y/2.0
numGuesses = 0
while abs(guess*guess - y) >= epsilon:
	numGuesses += 1
	guess = guess - (((guess**2) - y)/(2*guess))
	print(numGuesses =  + str(numGuesses))
	print('Square root of ' + str(y) + ' is about ' + str(guess))
Iterative algorithms
  • Guess and check methods build on reusing same code
    • Use a looping construct to generate guesses, then check and continue
  • Generating guesses
    • Exhaustive enumeration
    • Bisection search
    • Newton-Raphson (for root finding)

Lecture 4: Functions

Decomposition and Abstraction(分解和抽象)


  • more code not necessarily a good thing
  • measure good programmers by the amount of functionality
  • introduce functions
  • mechanism to achieve decomposition and abstraction


  • Decomposition: Break problem into different, self-contained, pieces
  • Abstraction: Suppress details of method to compute something from use of that computation
  • Powerful together


  • in programming, divide code into modules
    • are self-contained
    • used to break up code
    • intended to be reusable
    • keep code organized
    • keep code coherent
  • achieve decomposition with functions and classes


  • in programming, think of a piece of code as a block box
    • cannot see details
    • do not need to see details
    • do not want to see details
    • hide tedious coding details
  • achieve abstraction with function specifications or docstrings

Functions and Scope(函数和作用域)


  • functions: write reusable piece/chunks of code
  • called” or “invoked”: functions are not run in a program until they are “called” or “invoked” in a program
  • function characteristics:
    • has a name
    • has parameters (0 or more)
    • has a docstring (optional but recommended)
    • haas a body
def is_even(i):             # def是keyword;is_even是函数名,i是参数(parameters or arguments)
	Input: i, a positive int
	Returns True if i is even, otherwise False
	"""                 # specification, docstring
	print("hi")         # body
	return i % 2 == 0   # return是keyword

is_even(3)	            # later in the code, you call the function using its name and values for parameters


  • formal parameter gets bound to the value of actual parameter when function is called
  • new score/frame/environment created when enter a funcion
  • scope is mapping of names to objects
  • Python returns the value None, if no return given
return print
return only has meaning inside a function print can be used outside functions
only one return executed inside a function can execute many print statements inside a function
code inside function but after return statement not executed code inside function can be executed after a print statement
has a value associated with it, given to function caller has a value associated with is, outputed to the console


  • arguments can take on any type, even functions


  • inside a function, can access a variable defined outside
  • inside a function, cannot modify a variable defined outside

Keyword Arguments(关键字参数)

Can specify that some arguments have default values, so if no value supplied, just use that value


  • a contract between the implementer of a function and the clients who will use it
    • Assumptions: conditions that must be met by clients of the function; typically constraints on values of parameters
    • Guarantees: conditions that must be met by function, providing it has been called in manner consistent with assumptions

Iteration vs Recursion(迭代 vs 递归)


  • a way to design solutions to problems by divide-and-conquer or decrease-and-conquer
  • a programming technique where a function calls itself
  • in programming, goal is to NOT have infinite recursion
    • must have 1 or more base cases that are easy to solve
    • must solve the same problem on some other input with the goal of simplifying the larger problem input


  • looping constructs (while and for loops) lead to iterative algorithms
  • can capture computation in a set of state variables that update on each iteration through loop


  • “multiply a*b” is equivalent to “add a to itself b times”
  • capture state by:
    • an iteration number
    • a current value of compustation (result)
def mult_iter(a, b):
	result = 0
	while b > 0:
		result += a    # value of computation
		b -= 1         # iteration variable
	return result


  • recursive step
  • base case
def mult(a, b):
	if b == 1:                          # base case
		return a
		return a + mult(a, b-1)         # recursive step


  • each recursive call to a function creates its own scope/environment
  • bindings of variables in a scope is not changed by recursive call
  • flow of control passes back to previous scope once function call returns value


def factorial_iter(n):
	prod = 1
	for i in range(1, n+1)
		prod *= i
	return prod
def factorial(n):
	if n == 1:
		return 1
		return n*factorial(n-1)
  • recursion may be simmpler, more intuitive
  • recursion may be efficient from programmer POV (point of view)
  • recursion may not be efficient from computer POV

Inductive Reasoning(归纳推理)

To prove a statement indexed on integers is true for all values of n:

  • Prove it is true when n is smallest value (e.g. n = 0 or n = 1)
  • Then prove that if it is true for an arbitrary value of n, one can show that it must be true for n+1

Towers of Hanoi(汉诺塔)

def printMove(fr, to):
	print("Move from " + str(fr) + " to " + str(to))
def Towers(n, fr, to, spare):
	if n == 1:
		printMove(fr, to)
		Towers(n-1, fr, spare, to)
		Towers(1, fr, to, spare)
		Towers(n-1, spare, to, fr)	



  • Base case
    • Females(0) = 1
    • Females(1) = 1
  • Recursive case
    • Females(n) = Females(n-1) + Females(n-2)
def fib(x):
	Input: x, an int >= 0
	Return: Fibonacci of x
	if x == 0 or x == 1:
		return 1
		return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)

Recursion on non-numerics(非数字递归)

  • check if a string of characters is a palindrome(回文)
  • Base case
    • a string of length 0 or 1 is a palindrome
  • Recursive case
    • If first character matches last character, then is a palindrome if middle section is a palindrome
def isPalindrome(s):
	def toChars(s):
		s = s.lower()
		ans = ''
		for c in s:
			if c in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
				ans = ans + c
		return c
	def isPal(s):
		if len(s) <= 1:
			return True
			return s[0] == s[-1] and isPal(s[1:-1])
	return isPal(toChars(s))
Divid and Conquer(分治算法)
  • an example of a “divide and conquer” algorithm
  • solve a hard problem by breaking it into a set of sub-problems such that:
    • sub-problems are eaiser to solve than the original
    • solutions of the sub-problems can be combined to solve the original



a module is a .py file containing a collection Python definitions and statements


pi = 3.14159

def area(radius):
	return pi * (radius**2)
def circumference(radius):
	return 2 * pi * radius	

import and use circle module

import circle

pi = 3
print(pi)                       # 3
print(circle.pi)                # 3.14159
print(circle.area(3))           # 28.27431
print(circle.circumference(3))  # 18.849539999999998


  • if we don’t want to refer to functions and variables by their module, and the names don’t collide with other bindings, then we can use:
from circle import *
  • this has the effect of creating bindings within the current scope for all objects defined within circle
  • statements within a module are executed only the first time a module is imported


file handle:

nameHandle = open(‘kids’, ‘w’)

creates a file named kids and returns file handle which we can name and thus reference. The w indicates that the file is to opened for writing into.

Lecture 5: Tuples and Lists



List Operations(列表操作)

Mutation, Aliasing, Cloning(对象改变,对象别名,对象拷贝)

Lecture 6: Dictionaries

Functions as Objects(函数作为对象)


Example with a Dictionary(字典的例子)

Fibonacci and Dictionaries(菲波那切数列和字典)

Global Variables(全局变量)

Lecture 7: Debugging

Programming Challenges

Classes of Tests



Debugging Examples

Lecture 8: Exceptions and Assertions

Lecture 9: Classes and Inheritance

Object Oriented Programming(面向对象编程)

Class instances(类示例)


Classes Examples(举例)

Why OOP(为什么OOP)


Class Variables(类变量)

Lecture 10: An Extended Example

Building a Class(创建一个类)

Visualizing the Hierarchy(可视化层级结构)

Adding another class

Using inherited methods

Gradebook example


Notes for the edx course Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python