注:本文为git的学习笔记,全部内容来自《pro git

Chapter 1: Getting Started

~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git/config
git config --global core.editor vim
git config --local user.name "name"
git config --local user.email "email"
git config --list

Chapter 2: Git Basics

#Add file contents to the index
git add filename
#Record changes to the repository
git commit #打开文本编辑器
git commit -m "your text"
git clone https://github.com/zjuwhw/test-repo
#-tracked: unmodified, modified, staged
git status
git status -s #简短显示
$cat .gitignore
*.[ao] #以上两行可以利用正则合并成这一行
build/ #忽略文件夹
git diff
git diff --staged
git diff --cached
git rm filename
git mv old_filename new_filename
mv old_filename new_filename
git rm old_filename
git add new_filename
git log
git log -p #显示不同
git log -n #显示几个
git --stat #显示统计
git log --oneline #一行显示
git log --pretty=format: "%h %an %ar %s" #按照特定格式显示
git log --graph
git log --since=2.weeks
git log --since="2008-10-01"
#git log的format参数支持的特定格式
Option Descripton of Output Option Descripton of Output
%H commit hash %h abbreviated commit hash
%T tree hash %t abbreviated tree hash
%P parent hashes %p abbreviated parent hashes
%an author name %ae author email
%ad author date %ar author data, relative
%cn committer name %ce committer email
%cd committer date %cr committer data, relative
%s subject    
git remote
git remote -v
git remote add origin https://github.com/name/repo.git
git fetch
git push origin master

Chapter 3: Git Branching

git branch
git branch newbranch
git checkout newbranch
git checkout -b newbranch
git log --decorate
git checkout master
git merge issue#2940
git branch -d issue#2940
git push origin --delete issue#2940
git branch --merged
git branch --no-merged